The objective is to conceptualize a gin bottle tailored for Marche Publics de Montreal (MPM), a network of public markets selling local produce. The gin Tchin Tchin is strategically crafted to connect with MPM's clientele while also presenting a unique and compelling offering.

Considering Montreal’s vibrant artistic city life, it was imperative for Tchin Tchin to embody this artistic aspect into its design. Embracing a handmade approach demonstrates Tchin Tchin's commitment to meticulous craftsmanship, local production, and artisanal quality.

One gin Tchin Tchin bottle laying on concrete
3 gin TchinTchin Bottles laid on concrete
The cup icons of Tchin Tchin with the type in it on a background image of cups on concrete
The cup icons of Tchin Tchin with the type in it on a background image of cups on concrete

Tchin Tchin distinguishes itself through captivating illustrative visuals and handwritten typography. A small but symbolic illustration of two cocktail glasses clinking together adorns the label, echoing the brand's name. The transparent label design not only allows for a clear view of the product but also fosters a captivating interaction between the liquid content and the label, resulting in an intriguing visual effect.

Animation of the Tchin Tchin logo
3 Gin Tchin Tchin bottles lined up on the floor

This packaging project was fun at first but it quickly became one of the hardest projects I’ve had to work on. The visuals and hand-written type felt like a good idea in the early stages of the project but it was a pain to try and develop an entire brand with only black and white handwriting and one small illustration. I struggled with finding clear stickers, sticking them on the bottle, etc. Overall, the construction of the bottle was a journey. But in the end, I am quite proud of this project. I just can never look at clear stickers the same way!

Animation of the label laid flat on a still image of a bottle


One gin Tchin Tchin bottle laying on concrete

The objective is to conceptualize a gin bottle tailored for Marche Publics de Montreal (MPM), a network of public markets selling local produce. The gin Tchin Tchin is strategically crafted to connect with MPM's clientele while also presenting a unique and compelling offering.

Considering Montreal’s vibrant artistic city life, it was imperative for Tchin Tchin to embody this artistic aspect into its design. Embracing a handmade approach demonstrates Tchin Tchin's commitment to meticulous craftsmanship, local production, and artisanal quality.

3 gin TchinTchin Bottles laid on concrete
The cup icons of Tchin Tchin with the type in it on a background image of cups on concrete

Tchin Tchin distinguishes itself through captivating illustrative visuals and handwritten typography. A small but symbolic illustration of two cocktail glasses clinking together adorns the label, echoing the brand's name. The transparent label design not only allows for a clear view of the product but also fosters a captivating interaction between the liquid content and the label, resulting in an intriguing visual effect.

Animation of the Tchin Tchin logo
3 Gin Tchin Tchin bottles lined up on the floor

This packaging project was fun at first but it quickly became one of the hardest projects I’ve had to work on. The visuals and hand-written type felt like a good idea in the early stages of the project but it was a pain to try and develop an entire brand with only black and white handwriting and one small illustration. I struggled with finding clear stickers, sticking them on the bottle, etc. Overall, the construction of the bottle was a journey. But in the end, I am quite proud of this project. I just can never look at clear stickers the same way!

Animation of the label laid flat on a still image of a bottle